Thursday, July 26, 2012

Celebrity fashion tips to maintaining a beautiful white skin

Secrets Celebrity fashion tips of beautiful skin white

Normally celebrities do have white skin. They usually had been born with white skin. But these celebrities have any tips to make your skin look healthy and white. So in this time we will look at celebrity fashion tips. Celebrity fashion tips so many kinds, but on this occasion we will not discuss them all. Celebrity fashion tips which we will discuss is about how celebrities keep their white skin stay healthy, beautiful, not dull. Do you want to know how these celebrity fashion tips? Refer to the following.

Celebrity fashion tips to keep their white skin stay healthy

Nicole Kidman - Celebrity fashion tips to maintaining a beautiful white skin

The first celebrity tips is from Nicole Kidman. To keep the white skin from wrinkles and dull colors, Nicole Kidman always avoid the sun and never forget applying sun screen. Even all the cosmetics she wears on her face also contains SPF.

Natalie Portman - Celebrity fashion tips to maintaining a beautiful white skin

The second celebrity fashion tips is from Natalie Portman. What is the secret that Natalie Portman skin supple and radiant glow? The actress was routinely dispose of dead skin cells by exfoliating. Choose a gentle exfoliating cream, and lightly rub in the face for 2-3 minutes. But remember, do not do much because it can actually make skin irritation.

Cate Blanchett - Celebrity fashion tips to maintaining a beautiful white skin

The third celebrity fashion tips is from Cate Blanchett. In addition to never forget to use moisturizer, it also always bring sun block everywhere he went, so the skin is always ready with protection from the sun. Cate also believe that the skin will look brighter if it is always supple.

Julianne Moore - Celebrity fashion tips to maintaining a beautiful white skin

The last celebrity fashion tips is from Julianne Moore. The actress who already has a 50-year-old white skin who was toned and healthy. The secret is to rarely wear make-up. Any out of the house, he just relies on a moisturizer and sun screen. In fact, sometimes he did not hesitate to take pictures at an event with a face smeared lipgloss only, without the slightest foundation.

That is all celebrity fashion tips for today. If you like this tips you can try it at home. I think many women like to appear like a celebrity. So may be this tips can useful.

Read more celebrity fashion tips.

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