Sunday, July 29, 2012

A trip through a candy-coloured, surrealist wonderland

Lace up your shoes and prepare yourself for a long fall down the rabbit hole: Stanley Patzold’s latest shoot takes you into a surrealist world where art and beauty collide.

In Kayla’s Lips Adventure Patzold’s photos melt so seamlessly into surreal artworks by Mona Broschar that it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. That’s all part of the magic: here the traditional concept of a beauty shoot, with a common element of perfect white teeth and glossily painted lips, is transformed into something else entirely. We can only be left marvelling, as spectators of this strange Wonderland, that we’ve seen a face without a smile before – but never a smile without a face.

stanley patzold surrealist beauty

In this feat of surrealistic surgery Kayla’s lips are both the adventurer across these strange scenes, and a part of the landscape itself. Merging with cartoon candy-canes and a Dali-esque melting clock, oozing with candied goo or tasting the impossible flavour mix of grotesqueness and cuteness that manifests in slimy snails with heart-shaped shells, Kayla’s lips adventure sure is a colourful one.

Take the trip through Stanley Patzold’s ( shoot at the gallery above.

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