Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A little Color goes a Long way

I’ve always been a little nutty about keeping my hair clean and consistent. Year after year my stylist would ask me if I’d like to make a change, try something new. If I ever thought about going blonde or brunette or even adding a few highlights. But time and time again the fear of such a commitment kept my own style at a standstill.

Until the Color Bug.

Stepping into that familiar little salon, I moved forward with my mind set. I would only offer my usual response: “Just a trim.” This hair had always worked for me and I wasn’t about to mess with it, especially with school around the corner. So as that beautiful girl strut past me, the ends of her hair seemingly dyed bright pink, I tried my best to ignore her. The color was gorgeous and though I began to feel a little envious I knew I couldn’t do something that drastic – I’d never even gotten a highlight. But only minutes into  my appointment, the sight of her in my mirror pushed the questions from my lips and the Color Bug and I were finally introduced.

Created by Kevin Murphy, this fascinating new product is sweeping previous hair coloring out of the water. Getting intense, vibrant

From flikr, uploaded by san2008k

temporary color with no hassle and no mess? Yes, please!

Wrapped in a small, unassuming piece of plastic, the Color Bug resembles that of an eyeshadow palette and is used in a very similar way. Just pop off the cap, press the strands of your hair into the color and drag to the ends. And voilà! Offered in orange, pink and purple this invention gives you the opportunity to transform your hair into a wild and creative design, expressing not only your individuality, but your artistic expression.

As a slightly timid girl, I never thought I would be one to see strands of pink curving throughout my hair. But walking through campus today I embrace the curious looks of passerby, grinning pleasantly at the hidden truth. They may think I hold that confidence to permanently dye my hair. To form into something entirely new. And it’ll always be my little secret. Shh!


About mkoski

Major: Creative Writing
Graduation Date: 2014

I am currently a junior at Ohio University studying Creative Writing. I am an active member of the Chi Omega Sorority and the Secretary and Historian of the Sigma Tau Delta English Honors Fraternity. I love to read and I love to write!

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