Fashion’s Night Out Tampa Bay, or as I like to call it, “Free” Night Out on September 6, 2012 at the International Plaza Mall started off with a splash; and just the right kind of splash if you ask me. The Mad Men Lounge by Crate and Barrel served up mini Mad Martinis and Mad Manhattans for guests checking out Reeves Import Motorcars, complete with lounge furniture to create a “retro mocktail party” feel.
Left: Mini Martinis being served to guests. Right: Reeves Import Motorcars featured Porsche drawing attention. Photo by Megan Patiry.
I refer to Fashion’s Night Out as “Free” Night Out because that is one of the great aspects of the event; you get to experience the elegance along with the hustle and bustle of the high fashion world without draining your bank account. Many retail stores and salons inside the International Plaza Mall offered major discounts and deals on fall fashions; some even hosting free makeovers, such as those offered by Dillard’s. Considered to be the “ultimate girl’s night out”, Fashion’s Night Out is also a major event in New York City, signaling the kickoff of fall’s fashion festivities. Tampa Bay brought this event home with several fashion shows, a red carpet, photo opportunities with celebrity “twins,” and the opportunity to meet designers from Anne Klein, Daniel Cremieux, and Jessica Simpson.
Left: Hit the red carpet, continued in front of stores having special offers for FNO. Right: Complementary hair and make-up touch-ups. Photos by Megan Patiry.
The Tampa Bay Times, Tampa’s largest newspaper publication, also featured a lounge, theirs as equally (if not more addictive) than a mini Mad Martini: a chocolate lounge. Not that an explanation is needed for buying chocolate, but by purchasing a five dollar box to fill with goodies from the full chocolate bar, you can feel satisfied that your indulgence benefited the Florida Orchestra. With the entire room reserved for the chocolate bar and a free newspaper, you could only hope it wasn’t your first stop of the night.
Left: Tampa Bay Times chocolate lounge. Middle: The Florida Orchestra. Right: “Marilyn Monroe” celebrity look-a-likes. Photos by Megan Patiry.
Although Fashion’s Night Out has passed, it opens one’s eyes to the many events going on around Tampa Bay that are free and may provide access to contacts and connections if you’re looking for a job or internship. Here are several events coming up this month (and even this weekend) that are free:
Mazzaro’s Sampling. On Friday, September 7th and Saturday, September 8th, Mazzaro’s Italian Market is offering wine tasting – wines from “Italy and around the World.” More available dates and times are listed on Tampa Bay: Things To Do.
Summerfest. Saturday, September 8th, American Idol winner David Cook performs along with various other artists. At only $20 and sponsored by the Irish31 pub, this event is worth the low admission price.
Swaptember. If you hold a Lowry Park Zoo pass and a valid I.D., you receive free admission to MOSI in September. In addition, Florida Aquarium and MOSI members get in free at the zoo. Click it.
The above events are just a sampling of what Tampa has to offer for free and extremely reasonable admission prices. Check out your local newspaper or magazine websites for a list of upcoming events. For those of you in the Tampa area, Tampa Bay: Things To Do, offers a complete list of events, even allowing you to specify your search by attraction type and date. Now enjoy your free night out, and keep an eye out (or a taste bud out) for mini martinis and chocolate bars at the end of the red carpet; it’s the next best thing to a pot of gold.
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