I’ve recently been looking for jobs and such and although it never came down to it, I had to wonder what I would need to do if I got called. It meant that I would have to work. Which means dressing up for work. I thought it would be the same as dressing up school. However, since attending UCSC where you’re one with the ocean and the forest, I’ve found myself slowly becoming addicted to wearing shorts, everywhere and everyday. It’s just too comfortable for its own good (literally, since I’m just wearing out my shorts to death, especially this summer.)
But wait, there’s a policy involving wearing shorts to work; they are not appropriate?! But I love shorts, and I should be comfortable when I’m working, should I not? Fine. I mean, yes, it’s understandable that wearing anything that shows that much thigh and legs should be disallowed in the work area – except when skirts and dresses are still permitted in the work wardrobe, which can show more than just the same amount or more of thigh and legs than shorts can. I’m talking about regular workplaces, like in the office or at a grocery store. I don’t see what the problem is exactly. Is it that it’s too casual? What about wearing sneakers to work? Those are casual but accepted.
Why design dress suits with shorts if you can't even put them anywhere else except on models and celebrities?
Shouldn’t your workers be allowed to be in a comfortable enough state to work their best? That’s what I believe. Maybe not too comfortable that it would make others feel uncomfortable, but seeing how women are allowed to dress in short skirts and dresses and yet not in shorts unless they’re as long as Capris (Oprah shows us how to get it done) because somehow shorts seem to be more misleading and inappropriate than a possibly higher, more exposed and vulnerable hem?
I mean, I’ve never seen a teacher at any of my schools wear shorts, but I even saw my chemistry teacher wear a kilt, several times. And this is a man. Neither sex is allowed to wear shorts, so even the men find their ways to a cooler summer outfit in somewhat bizarre ways. To rephrase that simply, men aren’t allowed to wear shorts to work, but like women, they can wear skirts instead. This truly isn’t an important topic of the world, but it’s one that causes serious mental frustration of people with first-world problems. And what’s wrong with denim pants as inappropriate work wear? Again with the too-casual argument perhaps, but I stick to my belief that (not too) comfortable clothes, in most circumstances, is not harmful to a work environment. I’m sure workers on their way to work in swelling summer heat would be doing a good job in cooler, less restrictive clothing.
What’s your opinion? Is asking for shorts (or more comfort) at work too much?
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